
Shutdown Is Another Fabricated Crisis, Voters are Tired of Congressional Games.   People across America and here in Texas’ Seventh Congressional District are tired of politicians putting party before country. The recent government shutdown is just the latest...

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Jan 2018
Tonight is the first candidate forum of our important congressional race! James will be speaking alongside other CD7 Democratic candidates to discuss the issues that matter to our district and answer questions from constituents. Additionally, there will be a meet and greet session...

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Today, as we celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we remain mindful of his legacy of fighting for justice and love for one’s neighbor. Dr. King understood that changing history requires hard work and sacrifice in the face of difficult odds. It is through his...

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Jan 2018
    If 2017 was the year of upheaval and chaos, I am looking forward to 2018 being the year of political unity. Notwithstanding the daily chaos in the news, 2017 also saw a record number of people coming together to march for women’s rights, the rights of...

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